Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas comes early for the Sides Family...Bradley comes home!!

Finally the day we have been waiting for... Bradley gets to come home! He is 4 pounds 7 ounces today and stayed in an open crib for the past 2 days holding his temperature stable... we are so proud of him! He is our little Christmas present... look at him in his sweet little stocking!

We're home!

In his little carseat...

First feeding at home..

His room awaits...

Meeting Tyrone... his brother

Bradley meets Sherman... a new friend Gracie brought for her little cousin

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Feeding and Growing and Bili Lights...

Bradley is now gained past his birthweight! He was 1790 grams today (up from his 1725 grams at birth)! He is eating good, and we put him in a snuggly sleeper- He looks like such a big boy! He had to be on the blue lights for baby jaundice, but not for long... He's doing great. Its hard for mommy to be home without him, but everyday is spent by his side in the NICU, holding, feeding and loving him until he gets to go home with mommy and daddy. He was a week old yesterday! Just think, his due date is not for another month... January 7th!

Bradley also got to meet his big cousin Marki... it was Marki's 8th birthday, and his birthday request to meet his little cousin Bradley. The NICU made an exception... what a special birthday gift.

Look.. he's smiling!!